Ackermann, a pupil of Egon von Neindorff and successful dressage rider up to the highest classes and renowned horse instructors, has put his profound knowledge and experience into a long-term guide. Here is fine riding unspectacular, but with a lot of expertise. Only the classic, nature-oriented horsemanship is horse-friendly for Ackermann. What this means is presented by the author in five chapters, which are supplemented by numerous well-selected photos and cleverly selected quotes from important personalities. His remarks start with the basics (including seat, hand, thigh) and lead up to the Grand Prix lessons. Cleverly, he combines in his training concept, the four phases of work from the H.Dv.12 (Army Service Regulation, ID-G 18/17) with the training scale. Understandable, clear, fabulous. A second level describes the training and development of his Hanoverian Scirocco, from miserable presented auction horse to serene Grand Prix horse. A worthwhile read for as many riders as possible.
Source review: 15. April 2019, ekz-Informationsdienst, Reutlingen Germany, Ulrich Isigkeit